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Apartment in Paris 5th arrondissement

Huggy, Emmanuel De Crépy

“Good site supervision is the key to a successful job”


Huggy is a general contractor firm that conducts home and office renovation projects and often has about fifty jobs on the go at the same time.


“Good site supervision is the key to a successful job. Before switching to Archireport, we did our site inspection reports in Word. It was far from ideal; including photos was a hassle and we had to write up the reports at the end of the day. There were also lots of accounting issues. Basically, it was a lengthy and laborious process for a result that was nothing special. After looking into all the options available for a more efficient solution, we chose Archireport. Archireport has become a business tool for our company” Emmanuel De Crépy, Huggy.

Archireport’s features mean that Huggy can note their observations directly on site and centralise the details of all their projects. These are some of the things they use the features for:
– Managing the schedule of works
– Inserting photos into the report
– Adding architect’s plans and documents
– Producing quick sketches
– Writing comments on photos or plans
– Saving photos to the library
– Using the app offline
– Managing multiple platforms (iPhone, iPad, computer)


“The program is really easy to use. And it only takes couple of hours of training to get the hang of it. And the presentation of reports is impressive – it conveys quality and professionalism to customers and everyone else we work with, including architects and subcontractors.” Emmanuel De Crépy, Huggy.

Huggy also emphasizes the amount of time it saves for site managers.

Having a standard report format improves communication with site contractors, but also among our own staff. For example, the photos allow our secretaries and sales staff, who aren’t on site very often, to track progress. Our technical department has also become more productive.


A practical example of what Archireport does for you?

“When I’m on site, I’ll often produce a quick sketch to help the client understand something the architect has spoken about”.

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