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An intuitive drawing tool

A picture says more than a thousand words. Draw on your photos and plans to save time and communicate more clearly.

Fonctionnalité An intuitive drawing tool

A comprehensive toolbox

The Archireport drawing tool has all the features you need to draw, annotate or sketch in a jiffy. With arrows, shapes, pens and brushes, you’ll have exactly what you need.

A comprehensive toolbox
Shape recognition

Shape recognition

We can’t all be Léonard De Vinci! But fear not, our shape recognition feature will make sure your circles and squares are always perfectly formed.

Write on plans or photos

Write on plans or photos

When a drawing’s not enough, you can add text to your photos and plans to make them crystal clear and eliminate any risk of error.

Get started in minutes

Try Archireport for free for 30 days or watch an online demo by one of our experts

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Create a new project with work packages

Import plans and participants

Head off to your site inspection with just your phone or tablet

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A genuinely free 30-day trial. No credit card required!

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You’ll receive an email to validate your account. Then you can use one of our 3 platforms and start using Archireport.

On iPad, On iPhone

The ultimate building site management app.

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The desktop version, really convenient for creating and preparing projects.

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You need the app in order to use all the Archireport features

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